I know every parent says it, but it's true...... they grow up so fast! Aubrey is such an amazing 7 year old and brings us so much joy. Although these pictures are out of order, you still get the idea!
Here she is they day after her true birthday in one of her new outfits, and playing with her new American girl doll case and closet.

She of course had breakfast in bed on her birthday, and got to open her presents! Aubrey got a new bike that she picked out and loves!

Here she is with her adorable little brother while opening a gift from her Great Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Joe!

A week before her actual birthday we had Aubrey's party. She wanted a bowling party so that is what she got. She invited her best friends and they all went bowling- it was great fun!

Here she is with her cake at the party (and yes, she does have on some make-up but that is ONLY because she went to another birthday party an hour before her own where they dressed up!)

If this all was not enough, she also got to have 2 special birthday dinners with both sets of grandparents! I think it's safe to say that 7 has started out pretty great for our sweet girl :)