Our Fourth of July 2010 started out with a great patriotic service at our church. Here are Aubrey and Chris before heading to church. Unfortunatly we didn't get any pictures with Aubrey's eye's open! Our camera broke last week, so we are having to use my iphone and the quality isn't great :/

Here I am with the kids, all in our red white and blue!

After church we headed to downtown Round Rock for the parade. I loved this house behind Aubrey when I was a little girl- so fun to see my sweet girl sitting in front of it!

My adorable babies waving as the parade goes by! They got lots of candy and had so much fun. I was a proud mama watching them share their candy with other kids and seeing them watch out for each other. Such fun ages they are at right now!
Later in the evening after dinner with neighbors we took all the kids to see some fireworks. Chris has found great spot to watch fireworks- you can see fireworks all over the city.

Hope everyone had a fun July 4th holiday this year!
Love your coordinated outfits :-)