Monday, August 30, 2010

Camden's Turn

Camden also started school, a week after Aubrey. He loves his teacher, Ms. Colleen who was also Aubrey's teacher! She is so fun and sweet, and I think she will be great for Camden! They started working on writing their letters and numbers from the first day and I am so excited for Camden!

Okay on to the fun! So, you know how they say raising boys is different than raising girls- it is sooo true!!!! Here are Camden's first day of school pictures:

Don't ask, I have no idea. He just started posing and this is what we got!

But, then we got this :) Here he is at the fountain at the church where his school is! My sweet baby boy!

1 comment:

  1. He is such a funny boy!

    Can't believe they are entering their last year of preschool! So exciting, but so sad at the same time!
