Tomorrow night is the "welcome walk", where Aubrey's new first grade teacher will come to our house for us to meet. All the teachers walk the neighborhood and meet their new students and parents for the first time. We are so excited and can't wait to find out who Aubrey will have teaching her this year! Her first day of school is next Tuesday and it will also be my first night of class teaching again this semester. I am looking forward to that and feeling a little more confident now that I have a semester of teaching under my belt.
Since it has been a month since I posted, I am going to post a few pictures I took on my phone from the past month. It is a glimpse into this part of our summer.
Camden had heard about Venus Fly Traps somewhere and really wanted one, so we found one. Unfortunately it is no longer with us, but it was fun while it lasted. We did put one fly in, and it closed up, but shortly after the whole plant died so I guess it was a bad idea to put a dead fly in it??!!
Here is the only picture I have from VBS. Aubrey looked away right as I took the picture :)
Then one day in late July my neighbor taught me how to make Halupki's. They are a polish food of cabbage with a meat mixture inside. Chrissy's mom had made them before one time while visitng and we loved them, so Chrissy said she would teach me. It was so much fun, and not hard to make. They are time consuming so it was fun to make with a friend! Everyone enjoyed them!

Here are the kids scooping out watermelon and enjoying some in the process. I don't think Camden got any in the bowl!

Here Camden is jumping off a diving board that belongs to my parents neighbors. They were out of town and offered their pool for the week. We went over a couple of times and had a great time. We have visited our neighborhood pool a number of times- Chris likes to take the kids in the evening when he gets home. He is such a fun dad!

Here is a picture of my parents backyard. Just wanted to have a picture to remember it :) I always think it is interesting to look back at pictures like these, don't know why.
On August third Samuel Edward Flick was born to Alicia and Eddie. I was so happy to be there for his birth- a full head of the blondest hair I have ever seen on a new born! The kids stayed with Aunt Angie and the girls while I was at the hospital all day and most of the night. They had so much fun and I was grateful to not have to worry about my kiddos while I was there for Alicia.

On our drive home from Houston we stopped for a tour at the Blue Bell Ice Cream Creamery. It was fun to see them making our favorite ice cream and to get a sample too :)

And lastly I am so excited about our "new" dishes!! Growing up my mom had corelle dishes. Never really gave them much thought. My Aunt Sue had the same ones in Indiana which I thought was so neat. Well, sometime before I was married I mentioned that I never wanted to see those dishes given away. So when my Aunt Sue and Uncle Steve drove down for my wedding they brought me all those dishes. I was so excited, but also had my new dishes Chris and I picked out. Well, those corelle dishes have been boxed up at my parents house ever since. I mentioned to my mom this past weekend that I was tired of the kids eating on "kids" plastic plates or paper plates, and my stone dishes were to heavy and big for them so I was headed out to buy some good old corelle- she reminded me that she had "mine" at her house!!! I was so excited and we have been loving them ever since! Here the kids are using them- they especially love the cups and saucers :)
Here are the kids scooping out watermelon and enjoying some in the process. I don't think Camden got any in the bowl!
Here Camden is jumping off a diving board that belongs to my parents neighbors. They were out of town and offered their pool for the week. We went over a couple of times and had a great time. We have visited our neighborhood pool a number of times- Chris likes to take the kids in the evening when he gets home. He is such a fun dad!
Here is a picture of my parents backyard. Just wanted to have a picture to remember it :) I always think it is interesting to look back at pictures like these, don't know why.
On our drive home from Houston we stopped for a tour at the Blue Bell Ice Cream Creamery. It was fun to see them making our favorite ice cream and to get a sample too :)
And lastly I am so excited about our "new" dishes!! Growing up my mom had corelle dishes. Never really gave them much thought. My Aunt Sue had the same ones in Indiana which I thought was so neat. Well, sometime before I was married I mentioned that I never wanted to see those dishes given away. So when my Aunt Sue and Uncle Steve drove down for my wedding they brought me all those dishes. I was so excited, but also had my new dishes Chris and I picked out. Well, those corelle dishes have been boxed up at my parents house ever since. I mentioned to my mom this past weekend that I was tired of the kids eating on "kids" plastic plates or paper plates, and my stone dishes were to heavy and big for them so I was headed out to buy some good old corelle- she reminded me that she had "mine" at her house!!! I was so excited and we have been loving them ever since! Here the kids are using them- they especially love the cups and saucers :)
I've missed your updates so it's great to read a nice long post about your fun summer. Good pictures and exciting that you get to meet Aubrey's new teacher today!