Thursday, September 23, 2010

September flying by.....

Well with school in full swing, September has just blown right by us. It has been filled with homework, spelling tests, fun, packing lunches and trying to pretend like fall is coming! It is still warm out, but yesterday was officially the first day of fall and our Bradford Pear tree has one red leaf so cooler temps must be just around the corner!

I have not taken too many pictures this month, but here are a few to remember! PawPaw had some of his photo's displayed at a gallery! The kids and I went to see and while all the pictures were great, the see through elevators were also a highlight :)

We love to play the Wii bowling game as a family, but nothing beats actually going to the bowling alley so we went. And just as a side note- I won :) Here is Chris in action.

This picture cracks me up! First of all- the poor kids had to pose in a bowling alley for there momma. Then, Camdens shirt might be a tad too small. Then the best part of course are those great bowling shoes!

We also got our first real lego's this month! Camden loves to play with Uncle Clay's legos over at MiMi's house, but they are difficult for the younger crowd. Well, he has gotten pretty good with them so I bought some for us at our house. I even impressed myself with this alligator I made! It was followed by a house, dog, duck, and wagon! Who knew after all these years I would have so much fun with legos!

And finally, this is Aubrey (a little blurry) this morning before school. It is picture day and she is picture perfect!

We are looking forward to fall and all that comes with it! Hopefully I will capture it all on camera and get it posted to share!